The list of Jiaogulan Benefits is much longer than this, here we will list just the prominent ones, the ones that are relevant in this day and age.
Are you interested in a natural and easy way to restore and maintain your overall health and well-being, to look and feel younger, relieve stress, have more energy, stamina, sexual vigor and mental clarity?
What if we told you that you could gain these benefits while at the same time preventing most of the diseases that plague our modern society? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Still not convinced about Jiaogulan? I will give you even more reasons to start taking Jiaogulan now! Stay healthy and boost your immune system with this miracle herb.
Jiaogulan, AKA Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, is very popular in Southeast Asia. So popular, that they named it The Immortality Herb. All because of its numerous medicinal properties. Don’t just take my word for it, look at what WebMD has to say about The Immortality Herb.
read moreThousands of people roam the planet completely unaware of illnesses that are invisible and hard to understand. They are not only invisible to the naked eye, also the medical world has little explanation about them. One such a group of conditions, that is often overlooked and misunderstood, is thyroid health. We will shed some light on Jiaogulan or Gynostemma and Thyroid Conditions, what effect it has and how can we use it for improving Thyroid health.
read moreAccording to World Health Organization, overweight and obesity increases one’s risk of diabetes cardiovascular disease and even some types of cancers. But you already know this. I am not here to torment you with the horrors. Scientists in Korea have done a research back in 2013 on how to fight obesity with Jiaogulan, you can read the original report here. There is a simple solution with no side effects and complications. I will explain it in a more understandable manner.

The study was a 12‐week, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical trial followed by a 3‐week screening period. So you know that they took their research quite seriously! Over 100 people volunteered for this trial, but due to vigorous selection process only 80 qualified to proceed.
read moreWe all know that tea brewing is a slowly disappearing form of art. Naturally, with a fast-paced lifestyle, not many of us have the luxury of brewing and enjoying our own cup of tea. Nonetheless, here are some ideas for brewing your perfect cup of Jiaogulan tea.

I am not going to divulge the benefits of Jiaogulan in this article, you can read them here. Instead I will give you a few different ways you can brew Jiaogulan tea to get the tastiest and most beneficial cup of tea.
read moreGynostemma Pentaphyllum, also known as The Immortality Herb, has vast therapeutic properties. It has been used for treating several disorders including hepatitis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In this article I will shed some light on the fascinating discoveries about Jiaogulan’s Anti-Cancer properties.

Although we all want to live forever and achieve immortality, this is a topic for another day. Today, I will share with you some information that will strengthen your faith in the Anti Cancer properties of Jiaogulan – The Immortality Herb.
This article is based on research done by a handful of Chinese scientists, you can read all the technical jargon here if you are interested. I will go on and try to make it more appealing to the general crowd.
Jiaogulan, also scientifically known as Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, is a herb native to Thailand and other parts of South East Asia, but you already know this. You may also know that the Chinese called it The Immortality Herb due to its numerous health benefits and life-prolonging qualities.
Although the question of actual immortality still remains unanswered, Jiaogulan definitely can contribute to extending and improving quality of one’s life. Just look at what WebMD has to say about The Immortality Herb.

Did you know that benefits of Jiaogulan attracted the attention of doctors and scientists as early as 1960?This happened when it was noticed that residents of certain provinces in China were living considerably longer than their neighbours. Naturally, they drank Jiaogulan tea in the morning, before going out to work in the fields, to increase their levels of endurance and strength. But also they drank it in the evening to help them calm the senses and get a better sleep. This amazing property of Jiaogulan to energize you without agitating the nervous system and to calm and relax you at the same time is mind boggling scientists till now.
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